Thursday, October 9, 2008
Time to catch up!
So it's been ages and I've got a lot of catching up to do - so here's an attempt to start! Here's some pics from our trip to Utah for Tara's wedding and Siyah's 2nd Birthday.
Nate and Ollie and the BBQ
My mom making her yummie pie for the BBQ
The proud grandparents
Siyah enjoying her new birthday present with Grandma Haslam

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Family Photos
We recently had our pics taken by this amazing guy Kris and his wife Cathy who happen to now be in our old ward (H.B. 7th) and live next door to our good friends the Wests and the Cannons (thanks for the recommendation guys!!)
It was crazy managing Siyah and a newborn but overall we had a great time and got some great shots.
Here's the link if you want to check them out - or even buy a print.
It was crazy managing Siyah and a newborn but overall we had a great time and got some great shots.
Here's the link if you want to check them out - or even buy a print.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Alderson Nathan Cazier!
Ok - I know this is long overdue, but in case you haven't figured it out - he's finally here!
Alderson (Ollie) was born on July 1, 2008 at 7:43 am weighing 8 lbs and 7 oz and was 20" long.
He looks a lot like Siyah was she was born - but more boyish of course! I don't have a lot of pictures to put up (we've been having more computer issues and now camera issues (Nate accidentally shut one of our cameras in the car door)) but I'll put more up one of these days.

Yes - Siyah got another black eye playing monkeys!
Alderson (Ollie) was born on July 1, 2008 at 7:43 am weighing 8 lbs and 7 oz and was 20" long.
He looks a lot like Siyah was she was born - but more boyish of course! I don't have a lot of pictures to put up (we've been having more computer issues and now camera issues (Nate accidentally shut one of our cameras in the car door)) but I'll put more up one of these days.
So much has happened in this last month - Ollie was born, Siyah turned 2, she got another black eye, Tara got married and we went to Utah and Canada! One of these days I'll get this blog up to date - I just happen to be just a little short on time lately! :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The count down is on!
So we only have a few more days until our world is turned upside down! We're excited of course - but also very nervous. Especially this time around since we now what's coming. Anyways - we've been trying to go and do as many fun things as we can before we're home bound. Here's some pics of what we've been up to. Oh yeah - did I mention that we're all sick! Siyah got a cold and is so nicely sharing with the rest of rest. Yeah for us and for our poor baby! Keep your fingers crossed for us that this all passes before Tuesday!

Siyah digging for some gold!
Marley and Conway Siyah and Nate
We decided for Nate's Birthday and our last official "family of 3" outing that we'd go to Sea World (thanks babe for taking the day off!). We had a great time! Siyah was already sick when we went - but she did really well. We got free season passes with our tickets so we're excited to take her again when she's feeling more like her crazy self.

Our trip to Build a Bear - to make "baby brother" a bear.
Our good friends the Wests invited us to the Angels game with them. We had a great time! Thanks guys!!
We also went to the "Mormon Night at Angel Stadium" the week before - but all those pics are on Nate's phone. I'll have to get him to put them on here cause there are some great ones of Siyah.
We also went to the "Mormon Night at Angel Stadium" the week before - but all those pics are on Nate's phone. I'll have to get him to put them on here cause there are some great ones of Siyah.
We decided for Nate's Birthday and our last official "family of 3" outing that we'd go to Sea World (thanks babe for taking the day off!). We had a great time! Siyah was already sick when we went - but she did really well. We got free season passes with our tickets so we're excited to take her again when she's feeling more like her crazy self.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
No more monkeys.......
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tara and her man!
Tara came to visit last month and brought her soon to be hubby Tyler with her. It was great to finally meet him and to see my BFF again. We had a great time! Although getting ready for their arrival wasn't quite as fun.
The day before they came, I was quite busy around the house cleaning and doing laundry and all those fun things. Siyah decided that I didn't have enough to do so she thought she'd help out through out the day. First - by pouring milk all over her freshly cleaned bedding (which with this belly takes me 30 mins to put it on her crib or to take it off!) and after the fact that I had already done 6 loads of laundry! Then after giving her a proper bath (instead of the milk bath she wanted) I made the mistake of letting her run naked from the bathroom to her room to get dressed (all of 10 steps for her). On the way she decided to take a pit stop in our room - literally! Finally as the day is drawing to an end and I'm exhausted, she decides now is the time to take up her acting career with her first role being the phantom from Phantom of the Opera. The pics below explain this! Needless to say it was a long day!

Her medium of choice - Canadian diaper rash cream.

Tyler, Tara, Brooke and Nate after the Angels game

Hanging out in Balboa and enjoying a delicious frozen banana from the Bluth's Frozen Banana stand (we wish!)

Siyah acting all cute and cuddly while she soaked up the rays with Tara and Tyler.
Siyah sharing her hat with Tyler
Siyah helping Tara with her sun screen (without even being asked too!)
Siyah doing what she does best - ruining romantic moments!
The day before they came, I was quite busy around the house cleaning and doing laundry and all those fun things. Siyah decided that I didn't have enough to do so she thought she'd help out through out the day. First - by pouring milk all over her freshly cleaned bedding (which with this belly takes me 30 mins to put it on her crib or to take it off!) and after the fact that I had already done 6 loads of laundry! Then after giving her a proper bath (instead of the milk bath she wanted) I made the mistake of letting her run naked from the bathroom to her room to get dressed (all of 10 steps for her). On the way she decided to take a pit stop in our room - literally! Finally as the day is drawing to an end and I'm exhausted, she decides now is the time to take up her acting career with her first role being the phantom from Phantom of the Opera. The pics below explain this! Needless to say it was a long day!
Hanging out in Balboa and enjoying a delicious frozen banana from the Bluth's Frozen Banana stand (we wish!)
Siyah acting all cute and cuddly while she soaked up the rays with Tara and Tyler.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
San Fran
Here's some pics from our quick trip to San Fran (we were there like a total of 4 hours!) But it was well worth it since we got to see the Segway tour go by (where's Gob Bluth when you need him?!)
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